Who’s Involved?
A number of partners are involved in this initiative.
We achieve more when we work together.
Collaborators are those who are actively pursuing projects that contribute to the goal of the Yukon South Beringia Priority Place Initiative.
Click on the logos below to view partner pages and learn more about the work that is being done.
Other Interested parties
The Yukon South Beringia Priority Place initiative is open to other organizations who have an interest in conservation within the Yukon South Beringia. Some organizations have identified representatives who sit as partner working group members while other organizations have expressed interest in the Yukon South Beringia Priority Place initiative but do not currently have the capacity to participate fully as working group members.
Alsek Renewable Resource Council (ARRC)
Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society - Yukon Chapter (CPAWS-Yukon)
Council of Yukon First Nations (CYFN)
Dawson District Renewable Resources Council (DDRRC)
Wilderness Tourism Association Yukon
Yukon Fish and Wildlife Management Board
Assembly of First Nations - Yukon region (AFN)
Champagne and Aishihik First Nations (CAFN)
Dän Keyi Renewable Resources Council (DKRRC)
Indigenous Guardians
Klondike Visitors Association
Yukon Land Use Planning Council (YLUPC)/Dawson Regional Planning Commission (DRPC)
This project was undertaken with the financial support of the Government of Canada through the federal Department of Environment and Climate Change.
Ce projet a été réalisé avec l’appui financier du gouvernement du Canada agissant par l’entremise du ministère fédéral de l’Environnement et du Changement climatique.
Want to learn more?
Get in touch with us.