Design and implementation of a communications strategy

Lead: Yukon Conservation Society

Timeframe: 2019-2023

This project is about telling the story of the Yukon South Beringia Priority Place Initiative (YSB PPI). It will keep the Yukon public and partners abreast of the progress and significance of the research projects taking place. It will engage closely with these projects and celebrate them with the goal of ensuring Yukoners are not only aware of the importance of YSB, but are supportive of the projects and outcomes of the PPI.

The Yukon Conservation Society (YCS) is uniquely able to perform this task. YCS has been communicating conservation and environmental issues to the Yukon public for more than fifty years. The organization has a full time Outreach and Communications position.

 Conservation needs a good story.

A good story is one that engages and motivates the audience. As we go forward in our COLLECTIVE conservation efforts, our communications strategy will tie our story together, keeping us all motivated for what we are all doing this for, which is preserving our most cherished places.

Other FUnders

In addition to funding from Environment and Climate Change Canada, this project would not be possible without the generous support of Nature Canada. We thank you!

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