Lead: Government of Yukon
Timeframe: July 15-21st, 2022 *annual event
The 2022 Bioblitz was hosted around the Beaver Creek, on the traditional territory of the White River First Nation. The event involved over 70 participants, who recorded more than 1,000 species!
The BioBlitz was sponsored by South Beringia Priority Place, White River First Nation and the Government of Yukon.
The Beaver Creek Bioblitz
Articles by Sarah-Juliet Nadler published in Tread Lightly, Yukon Conservation Society’s newletter (Summer 2022).
INaturalist Observations and Statistics
The iNaturalist application is used to identify species and share information with other naturalists.
View observations, statistics and a map of the region explored during the 2022 bioblitz.
Beaver Creek BioBlitz 2022
About the event
This project would not be possible without the generous support of the Government of Yukon and Environment and Climate Change Canada. We thank you!