Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in BioBlitz
Lead: Government of Yukon
Timeframe: July 15-19th, 2021 *annual event
In the summer of 2021, the bioblitz was hosted in and around the Dawson City area on the traditional territory of the Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in First Nation. The area was chosen for its significance as the gateway for the Yukon South Beringia Priority Place Initiative. The event allowed us to better understand the unique ecosystem that exists in the area and will help us to make better decisions on how to preserve it.
Partners: Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in First Nation
Photos (below) property of Yukon Conservation Society
Ants on willow leaves with an infection
Sebastian jones catching Caddis Fly larvae
Caddis Fly
Juvenile Arctic Lamprey held by Sebastian Jones
Micah Taggert Cox and Hannah Shier of Y2C2 Green team wildlife viewing
Bruce Bennett - exotic species talk (delphinium)
Benoit Godin (local beetle expert) showing beetle to Misha Donohoe
Brett Pagacz (YG Habitat tech) and Nadele Flynn viewing moss
Gerry Blagoev (Spider expert - UGuelph) using an entomological sheet, Sylvie Binette (Whitehorse local)
A small rodent skull
Gerry Blagoev (Spider expert from UGuelph) and his findings
Glaucous Gentian
Maria Leung (independent naturalist)
Mikko Pentinasaari (Beetle expert from UGuelph) sifting through dirt to find beetles
Nadele Flynn looking a splash cups on moss
Rhonda Kostelko (local lichen expert)
Syd Cannings and Terry McIntosh (moss expert)
Terry McIntosh collecting a moss sample
The final group
Golden Sax in flower
Grayling, Whitefish and Sculpin
Minnow traps
Sebastian Jones at Klondike River fish sonar
Syd Cannings using iNaturalist
Overlooking Dawson City
Syd Cannings using iNaturalist and Sylvie Binette (Whitehorse resident)
Article by Toshibaa Govindaraj in What’s Up Yukon Magazine (Sep 22, 2021)
INaturalist Observations and Statistics
The iNaturalist application is used to identify species and share information with other naturalists.
View observations, statistics and a map of the region explored during the 2021 bio blitz.
Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in BioBlitz 2021
About the event
This project would not be possible without the generous support of the Government of Yukon and Environment and Climate Change Canada. We thank you!